Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today will be a walking day. The weather is nice and maybe the wind will blow some dust off of me. I will not walk too far however. I have been up since 02:00. That is because at 6:30 P.M. I laid down to read. Two pages at the most. I am sure that today will also be a cooking day as I am also pretty sure that the Sun will rise. I must return some of the books I have finished to the library. The people at the library seem to enjoy my company, much as they enjoy catching their finger in a car door. Maybe I will try Aristotle again. The last two times I tried, my eyes rolled back in my head as the pages seemed to blur. My thinking processes are too rusty to try and comprehend his reasoning. That boy's brain was so big he must have found it impossible to buy a hat. Once more up to the plate.
One question: if Mrs. Clinton gets the nomination can Mr. Clinton run for Vice President? If something tragic befalls President Mrs. Clinton, could Vice President Mr. Clinton become President again? Remember him? He is the one that refused to send troops to Somalia. Republicans have said that that is the reason Osama bin Laden attacked New York. Sure it is and as far as Iraq goes: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
So much bile, so little time.

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