Monday, January 7, 2008


I had two bowls of the chili last night. It has mellowed some but has grown teeth. I am gong back to New England chili: onions, green pepper, garlic, beef, and one large can of B+M baked beans. Top with chopped onions and grated cheddar cheese.
While I was taking another try at the Illiad, I did some thinking. Many things have happened to me in my life, some good, some bad. All of the bad things were a direct result of my actions or behavior. All of the good things were the result of someone else's. Being blessed with three wonderful daughters is an example. I reasoned that I should stop trying but I can't seem to keep my greasy little fingers out of things. Once more up to the plate!


Johanna said...

Hey, that makes me think of this, not for you, but myself, look up George Jones "Choices" on youtube, I couldn't embed the link- what happened to carrots, bacon and soy sauce in your chili? That's what made it home, Daddy!

sandwhichisthere said...

Johanna, thank you, I had forgotten about the bacon and soy sauce but they are rarely in my repetoire now. I have trouble sleeping if there is bacon in the refrigerator. It calls out to me to be cooked and eaten. Soy sauce, how I love it.
Bacon makes me think of my Father. If he had a day off, and he rarely did, he would make breakfast. Bacon sandwiches, six pieces of bacon between two slices of buttered toast, scrambled eggs, made with cream green pepper and onions, fried hot dogs, and fried bologna. No male in my family has ever made it to sixty-four. They all go bang and collapse on the floor. I think I see a pattern here. If you don't die of a heart attack, what are you going to die of? No tubes, no morphine, just bang.
Soy sauce: I have had to avoid salt since I was twenty-two. I used to put salt on a piece of steak until the salt stopped getting wet and then I would put soy sauce on it. I tried Mrs. Dash but that was a poor substitute. Eventually black pepper was a good replacement.
Last night was turkey and vegetables over rice, with soy sauce and Frank's hot sauce. Today will be more of the same. The menu always seems to be whatever is on the top shelf of the refrigerator.