Saturday, January 12, 2008

A little boy is better

A little boy is better. The heart rejoices. The world seems to be a gentler place than it was a few days ago. This event put things in perspective. In our world of mundane goals and trivial accomplishments, the restoration of a young, innocent life restores the order of our values. No dvd player, no new car, no pickled humming birds tongues, no the newest, latest. hottest anything but a little boy is better.The world is somehow less frightening and cleaner. It feels good to feel this way. Old people suffer and pass on, it is the way of life. It should never happen to a child. A child has a right to love and warmth and sustenance. It is more heroic to care for a child than win honors and glory in war or business. The world still needs a bit of tweaking. The leaders of the world need to pay more attention to Maslow than Machiavelli.

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