Thursday, January 3, 2008

Frog Loan

A frog goes into a bank carrying a large paper sack. He asks a teller how to get a loan.
The teller says " You need to talk to our new Loan Officer, Patricia Black, who is sitting at that desk.
The frog goes to Patricia Black's desk and explains that he needs a loan.
Patricia Black says "Certainly Mr. Frog but first I will need some information.".
PB "What is your street address?".
Frog " I don't have a street address, I live in a pond.".
PB " Where do you work".
Frog " I don't work, that's why I need a loan.".
PB " What is your telephone number?".
Frog " I don't have a telephone.".
PB " I don't think we can give you a loan Mr. Frog, you don't work and you have no collateral.".
Frog " I have collateral, this.". He reaches into the bag and pulls out a huge Hummel. Patricia Black has no idea what it is.
PB "Excuse me Mr. Frog, I have to consult with Mr. Jones the bank manager.". She takes the Hummel with her.
Patricia Black goes into Mr. Jones's office and explains the situation to Mr. Jones.
PB " I know that I am new but I don't think I can make the loan because I have no idea what this thing is.".
Mr. Jones " It's a knick-knack Patty Black, give the frog a loan.".

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