Monday, November 3, 2008


I am back on line. Somehow my brother was able to find the problem with the computer and fix it. He is a marvel at that. He found one tiny blemish in a connecting cable that was confusing the main program and telling it that the hard drive wasn't any good. How he ever found it is beyond my comprehension but once he has a problem, he will not let it go until he has solved it. He also added a cd writer and photo shop, whatever that is. I was properly chastised for overloading the desk top as this is the reason that I was constantly overfilling the memory. It turns out that all the things that you have on the desk top are constantly running and that is the reason for the memory problem. So now I can have my morning dose of Wikipedia! Mornings have been dulll without it. He also took me to Salvation Army where I was able to get a tart pan for $2.00. I have wanted a tart pan for a long time. He also took me to get a flu shot. That is a good thing as nothing is as unbearable and whiney as a man with the sniffles.

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