Saturday, November 8, 2008


Here I am, up in the middle of the night, feeling sorry for myself. As usual, anything negative that happens to me is my own fault. Earlier this week I got a flu shot. I have not been sick in over a year. I don't have much contact with people and, anytime that I go out, the first thing that I do when I get home is go into the bathroom and wash my hands for twenty seconds at least. I awakened shortly after midnight and realized that I have a very sore throat. I tried to get back to sleep but was unable to. No contact with people, wash my hands scrupulously, where did I get a sore throat? Not only did I get a flu shot but I was there in a room with a hundred old people, all sniffling and coughing and barking. I didn't get the flu from the flu shot, I got the flu while getting the flu shot.
Today I will make chicken stock and try to drown the guilty organisms with chicken soup! With all of the crap that I throw down my throat, how can anything live there? Nothing is so pitiful as a man with a cold. Sitting with a pile of tissues, wrapped in a blanket, lamenting the fact that his Mother is not on the way with chicken soup and popsicles. I do have a large container of Ernesto and Julio's cold remedy and, if the soup doesn't work, there is always that.

1 comment:

Tera Rose said...

I feel for you, I feel for you...this week I too have this horrible head cold, coughing, congested sore throat thing.

I get whiney because it seems moms are not allowed to curl up and sleep in spite of the body aching to do so...

The flu shot? Everytime we get one..we are sick. The doctor told me that it is my body having symptoms to the dead virus..not as strong as the flu..

My response...IT'S THE SYMPTOMS THAT I DON'T WANT! What the heck????