Tuesday, November 25, 2008


News is slowly seeping from President-elect Obama's organization. The rich will not be taxed at a more equitable level but rather their tax cuts will be allowed to expire. The economic problems of the middle class and the poor will be solved by building bridges and roads. Perhaps the auto industry will build more efficient cars and trucks to use these roads. Of course they won't have to for a while, because these whiny children are due to get their allowance. There will be no changing of the Old Guard as many of his appointees are already in Washington. This will alleviate the oil crisis as they won't have to hire a truck to move. The major economic growth sector will be the Federal Deficit. You remember the Federal Deficit, the thing that didn't exist when William Jefferson Clinton was President. Speaking of the Clintons, Mrs Clinton has always been a proponent of national health but she won't be in charge of Human Services. She will become Secretary of State. This should make the doctors and the drug companies happy. I'm not saying that she will be relegated to obscurity but can you name the present Secretary of State? As a reward to the women of America for their support during his campaign, he will turn a Wellesley graduate into a secretary.
I see great things for America. The Preident-elect has not even taken office yet but I can see that soon in his future he will be able to proclaim "Mission Accomplished!".
I have seen no mention of helping out the alternative energy programs but, of course, they would probably waste the money by hiring new employees. The bleeding of American resources to OPEC will continue.
Mencken "No one ever failed by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.". We must get used to change because, in the very near future, that is all we are going to have in our pockets.

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