Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Collapse, that is the title of the latest tome I am attempting to wend my way through. The author is Jared Diamond, the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, which was given to me by the Tender Heart of Arlington whose choice of reading material so reflects my own. G,G,and S was fantastic. So was the salty tale she gave to me and Harry Potter can't be put down until your eyelids come crashing down. Collapse is about how societies choose or don't choose to collapse. So far it is a bit overwhelming as it is more scientific than I am used to reading but this is definitely his field and passion. I will force my way through the first chapters and get into the meat of the book. Some of the subject matter I am already acquainted with and it is so satisfying when you read something that you already know. It makes you feel so smart!
The book is quite thick and should keep me busy for some time. I will try to finish it soon, as my interest is crying out for some good science fiction. The last good science fiction I can remember reading was the Rama series and the last good science fiction movie I can remember was Serenity. Why was that show ever cancelled? It was imaginative and gritty, like the first Star Wars. It never went esoteric, like the later Farscapes, or overpowering , like the rest of the Star Wars. My other favorite show went to the dogs once Jack O'Neil left.
I will try to push my way through the beginning of Collapse but there is an unfinished book lying beside the couch that even now is lilting its siren call as I type.

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