Sunday, January 24, 2010

And Again

Yesterday was pizza again. I always have two days in a row as there is enough left over dough and toppings for two days. Each day I have two ten inch pizzas. I am very fond of pizza and still remember the old Neopolitan adage "Seven days without pizza makes on weak." (week).
Today will probably be a jammies day as I have no need to go anywhere and have a lot of things that need doing in the house. I also think that I will make fried chicken if the weather is not too cold.
The weather has to be mild whenever I fry anything as the frying will set off the smoke alarm unless I have the windows open and a fan on. All three apartments are tied to the same smoke alarm and if it goes off, everyone else evacuates the premises and stands in the driveway, staring up at me with accusing glares.
I have begun a cursory study of religions, both ancient and contemporary. I have done this before but never with such a slow and comfortable pace. To me, they seem to be all talking about the same God but with different options that have accumulated over the years. I guess that they are much like computers. They all start out with an Intel chipset but once they are established they all start piling on the options and different software. The latest things that I have discovered are that Abraham carried the accounts of Noah and Job with him from Sumer where they were already hundreds of years old. The Epic of Gilgamesh contains what seems like an eyewitness account of the Flood. I have always felt that the Ark may have been an overturned Marsh Arab home that was pitched outside and inside.
I have read some of the Quran and it is sad to see how similar the religion of the Muslims, the Jews, and the Christians are. They are all "People of the Book". It is all of the options that were added later that differ so much. They seem to be all talking about the same values and God and concomitant tales but there is so much tension between them now. Why can't they all realize "A God by any other name....". I will leave Hinduism for last as it seems like Religion 999,999.0. I do have a fondness for some of their dieties, the ones with pot bellies. It is something that I can identifiy with. I cannot identify with all of the skulls but the Mayas could. The river to the underworld might also join the two with the Greeks..
See what happens when you go to bed early and get up early and drink double strength coffee. The wheels start turning!

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