Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chickened Out

Well, it turned out to be roast chicken. It turned out that way because I got lazy and I had a defrosted chicken that needed to be cooked. Is there anything easier than roasting a chicken? 350 degrees, two hours in the oven with some baking potatoes, white wine and Wondra for the gravy, 1/2 container of sour cream for the potatoes, a can of green beans, and supper is made!
The white meat is in the refrigerator awaiting some good bread for sandwiches. So I guess today will be a bread baking day. It will be okay to bake bread as this place is now warm enough for the bread to rise instead of making breadsicles. When the Sun comes up I think that I will go for an early morning walk. I have been housebound for too long.
I finished the book on how the Great Pyramid was built and found that it was very informative and interesting. I will try to access the computer graphics on the Internet but I know that I will fail as I always do in attempting like that. It could be because my modem speed is 2. 2 is good for me because I can only read at 2. I took a speed reading course when I was younger but I found that when speed reading, I lose the joy of reading. You tear through the material and there is no time for thinking. That ADD distracting thinking and pondering that has so ruled my life. If you can't enjoy reading, what is the point of doing it?

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