Friday, December 28, 2007


The turkey didn't get cooked yesterday. I went to the refrigerator and there they were: KNOCKWURST! The menu for the day was 1. Omelette with cheese, proscuitto, roasted red pepper and leek.
2. Knockwurst and beans.
3. Brigham's vanilla ice cream
4. Peanut butter sandwich with butter.
5. Olives with Marzetti's dip.
Early to bed and Louis XIV. Epicurius would approve. Today may be turkey day if I can anticipate six hours without a nap. Blissfully, there is no reason to go out today. Life is so good.


Kristen said...

OK, now I'm starving.

My Burpee catalog came yesterday!!!

Johanna said...

Man oh man am I jealous. I picked up some prosciutto at Hannaford yesterday, and the price was around $20 a pound-I mean I picked it up and examined it, I couldn't justify buying it, I need to find a little old generous Italian cattle farmer around here somewhere. It's almost Murry Mcmurry turkins, I know...