Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just a few things

Yesterday my Brother and my Sister-In-Law took me to the grocery store. I wasn't feeling very well but I thought that I might pick up a few things and the trip might cheer me up. Well, the few things turned into a bulging cart full. I have enough food to last the year out. It is so comforting to know that you have enough food to last out a storm. I have a side by side refrigerator and both sides are packed so full that it would be hard to slide a toothpick into them. The cabinets are overflowing.
Cold meatballs and beets sound tasty but the meatballs that I have are Italian and combining them with beets might be a little iffy. I have not made Swedish meatballs in quite a while so thank you for the suggestion and I look forward to doing so.
How do you know if a meatball is Swedish? Drop it on the floor and if it bounces and goes "Dinka, Donka, Dinka, Donka" it is Swedish. If it floats to the floor like Forest Gump's feather, it is a well made Italian meatball.
I purchased a Shank end ham and am looking forward to cooking it. I have done this before and a ham glazed with maple syrup and mustard and pineapple is stupendous. Of course, the problem will be the sheer size of the ham. There will be ham on the menu for many days. All this just to get the ham bone so I can make Swedish Yellow Pea Soup. Yellow Pea Soup with corn bread MMMMMMMMMMM!

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