Thursday, December 30, 2010


Yesterday I saw a bluebird on the porch. It was perched on a flower pot. I had to look again as I didn't think that bluebirds wintered over. When the bird flew away, I put some sunflower kernels on the snow in the flower pot. The kernels were still there this morning, so the bird must not have returned. Evidently the squirrel hasn't either.
Today an armful of seed catalogues arrived. So the day will be spent perusing the seed catalogues while visions of heirloom tomatoes dance in my head. I don't really need more seeds as I have plenty of them left over from the past Spring and tomato seeds last forever. I think that I will concentrate on herbs and spices. I still have basil and sage and a dwarf lemon tree growing in the bedroom window. Still, some cucumbers and maybe some peas and maybe some...... Once again this Spring I will need a weed whacker to pass through the porch. Seed catalogues the first sign of Spring, or maybe the first Bluebird is.

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