Saturday, June 13, 2009


It came to me last night that the word "words" and the word "sword" have the same letters. Why would such a thought occur? It occured because yesterday I loosed my lip on the gentlest of flowers. A treasure of my heart was verbally assaulted. It has not happened in a long time but my fears for that flower have not been aroused for a long time. If I could somehow take those words back and crush their bile between my teeth and swallow their poison, I would.
I look on the words now and realize why they were born. I have learned many lessons in life. Never have I learned with ease, only catastrophy has been has been my tutor. I tried to offer advice and was overwhelmed by my fears for that flower. I became stern and loud and unthinking. The petals of that flower are delicate and treasured. They wilt and turn away from the hot breath of criticism. I have known that for a long time and I can only hope that some day the face of the flower will turn again to me. The face of a flower that is so dear to me and has always been.
Words cannot be recalled from their evil flight. It is the message that I was trying to convey. Instead of advice on the consequences of words, I flung forth an example. It is a catastrophy that I hope to be some day to learn from instead of being condemned by.
Gentle is the soul of that flower and gentle are her ways. Caring is the plight of that flower and caring is how I will always remember her. I can only hope that some day the light of her being may once again shine on my face. The light of my pride and love for her will always be shining out, searching for her.
She has found the way of grace and caring and love and humor in life. She needs no guidance from me. The paths that I have chosen and the way that I have followed have wreaked only havoc on those around me. A sword has two edges and so do words. The first edge of words strikes out and the second edge returns the deadly thrust to the heart of the wielder.
So, hope will be my only goal for the future, hope that some day I will again bathe in the purity and light of that flower. She is what I would have been if it were not for me.

1 comment:

shaun said...

You are correct in your description.
I have never known a more gentile soul.
That's why I love her so much.
She is a gift from God