Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Once more

Once more I made it through a month. I am in my usual state but I made it. I have been up since 1:15 A.M.. I went to bed early as the weather here hasn't been as nice as New England usually is in June. It has been cool and damp, very, very, very, damp! I have been sleeping with a blanket each night which is unusual for this time of year. This won't last. I will have to install the air conditioner soon. It doesn't really get the room cold but at least it will be cool and dry.
If all goes well I will go to the grocery store today. This is the highlight of my month. If I ever get rich, I will go grocery shopping every day and donate the food to the local food pantry. I have always enjoyed grocery shopping. When I was young, my family would go every Friday. We went Friday because Friday was fish day and it is best to eat fish the day that you buy it. It was a happy time for the whole family. Now grocery shopping has gone way beyond enjoyable and is at the apex of my month.
I am wending my way through a book that is very thought provoking. There is a question that I have had for a long time and the book offers many new ways to address this question. I thought that I had found an answer to the question through a melange of Hawking and the Rig Vedas and Jainism. The book takes all of those theories and tosses them on the trash heap and says "The personal quest for knowledge is selfish, only a quest for knowledge that will be used to benefit others is admirable.". An unopened book is the grave of the knowledge it contains. Only by opening it and sharing that knowledge with others do we give the book any value. Letters are simply symbols that convey the thoughts and findings of others.
Perhaps the thoughts that I have been having are the reason for the way I feel this morning. "I can see clearly now the rain has gone,".

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