Friday, October 15, 2010

Not Roast

I didn't make the pot roast yesterday. I headed out for the market to purchase the meat but the clouds looked so ominous that I returned to the place that I live. Instead I cooked up a small piece of beef with beef broth and Marsala and cream and onions and peppers and tomatoes. It was rather tasty eaten over rice.
Several days ago I watched an interview with the Dalai Lama. One thing that he said has been rattling through my mind like a marble in a boxcar. He said "The Buddha said "You are your own master."". Wow, if that doesn't make one feel like a complete failure in life. I will see if it can be effectively applied to the future. No more blaming cicumstances or other people for things that happen. If things go wrong, it is your own fault Boyo! Serendipity is not responsible for the good things, you can take some credit for them. The whole concept seems to negate the idea of Fate. The whole idea is somehow comforting.
It might be nice to have the Dalai Lama elected president of the whole world, with a collection of Buddhist monks as an administration. Of course, something would have to be done about the incessant giggling. Maybe not, giggling is preferable to sabre rattling.

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