Sunday, August 8, 2010

I Ain't Heavy

Yesterday my Brother took me to the grocery store. He was feeling very poorly but took me to the store anyway. He has been wonderful to me over the past years. Twice he took me in when I had no place else to go. He found jobs for me when I had no income. When he and his wife moved, they arranged for me to have their apartment. That apartment was one of the nicest places that I have ever lived. It was up high and only twenty yards from the edge of the ocean. He was instrumental in my getting the job driving the taxi, probably the best job that I have ever had.
When I had the stroke, he and his darling wife got an ambulance for me, arranged for my rehabilitation, took me into their home (for the third time) and cared for me, and helped me to find the place where I live now. I don't know what I would have done without the support of him and his wonderful wife. She has the patience of an angel and put up with my strange ways without ever complaining. The poor woman, was stuck alone in the country with two Swedes. She will go straight to heaven as she has served her time in purgatory.
My Brother is a tower of strength and scruples. He is probably the most moral person that I have known since my Father passed away. He looks like my Father, he acts like my Father, and he has the same perception of the ridiculous that my Father had.
I can't praise his wife enough. She has put up with me so many times and for such length. I have only known three women in my life that have done so. The first two each eventually reached their limit and tossed me out. Both were more than justified in doing so. I think of my Brother's wife as a contemporary to the wife in "Death of the Hired Hand".
I often wonder if I will ever find love again. Then I think of my Brother and his wife and know that there is no need to wonder, it is just a few miles from me.

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