Saturday, December 6, 2008


I awoke this morning with the pleasant memory of a dream I had last night flitting through my mind. I started pondering the difference between dreams and wakefullness.
The awakened time seems to be dominated by logic and linear progression. "What is the reason that the sink is backing up and how do I resolve it? How many cups of garlic go into the spaghetti sauce? What would I do if?".
The dream times seem to be dominated by emotion and empathy. There are no insolvable crisises. Strangely enough there is no cooking or reading in the dreams. Complications from the past are resolved through understanding and cooperation.
Dreams seem fairer and I like myself better in dreams than in reality. The boy, with his sense of fairness and hope is alive in the dreams but has died in the awake world. I like the boy better than I like the man. The boy, who gloried in running up a hill or jumping a fence, had more life in him than the old man, sitting and reading and cooking, has in him.
I am surprised that there were no dark dreams because I spent yesterday reading Euripides. His plays appeal to a boy whose ancestors came from the land of Ibsen. Times have changed so much. Mankind has come from the days of Jason and Medea to the days of Alan Harper and Judith. So the wheel of life continues to turn. All will be well as long as the wheel never reverses itself. You can never recapture a rapture.

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