Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stiff Necked Person

I woke up this morning with a very stiff neck. I can't imagine why. Yesterday I only went for a walk and shoveled some snow. In thinking about it, I realized that I did not wash my hands when I came in from outside. I usually do that the moment I return. I did stop at a store and who knows what may have been on the door handle. I have always been stiff necked but it is usually not physical. So today I will clean and cook and go for a walk and stay away from foreign door handles.
I hope that Senator Kennedy recovers. He is a resource that the average American cannot afford to lose.

1 comment:

Tera Rose said...

I hope he recovers as well.

When I see movies of John Kennedy when his children were small- out at Hyannis and MV- they remind me lovingly of my own family.

The connection to the island, the hair styles, the boat on the beach...

not that we were wealthy-

just an emotional connection that I feel that means absolutely nothing.

They were our royal family- of course Obama's family is giving us the same sense of having a royal family with us again.

Hope you feel better.