Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How cold is it ?

It is cold enough. The forecast is for the temperature to get very low. I am hunkered down. I went out yesterday and equipped myself so that I will not have to go out until Tuesday. I normally enjoy the cold but -18 is too cold. I learned a long time ago that if the snow squeaks when you step on it, go back in the house immediately. This is a time to make stew and bake bread and cookies and get out a really good book and a warm blanket.


Tera Rose said...

it is so cold that. . . .

when i gave my son a bowl of oatmeal, he asked, "when did they make cinnamon slushy" ?

that when we sat here eating our toast this morning; we plugged in a hair dryer to keep it not frozen..

that when I was drinking my coffee, my daughter asked, "can I have some ice tea too?"

not -13 here- but temps are dropping; kids are walking to the bus like robots; stiff in snowgear...

but I am in this discussion with a co-worker-
I always thought that when temps really froze- it was good- it reduced production of mosquitos, bacteria and those ugly things that grow in our gardens...

he tells me it's an old wives tale...

hm, what do you think?

less reproduction of germs and bad things or just an old wives tale?

i'm gonna go google it- in the meantime, stay warm and don't sleepwalk.

Ericka said...

Cold definitely brings the production of new bugs/insects to zero, and slows bacterial growth/division. But... we get sick more often in the winter because we tend to be stuck inside, with recirculating air that contains more germs/bacteria/viruses - and of course, we keep our inside environment much warmer than outside.

But at least we get a reprieve from the giant bugs, poisonous snakes & spiders, and large reptiles that do much better in areas that never freeze (why I will never move to florida).ve