Monday, April 5, 2010


Yesterday was an Italian day. First I had the minestrone. I had made it the day before and, miracle of all miracles, it is not bad at all. The secret was to use V-8 instead of most of the water.
The second meal was pizza. I defrosted some sauce and when I went to make the dough, I discovered that I had no regular yeast. All that I had was rapid-rise yeast. What a difference that made in the dough and the crust. I proofed the yeast, they say you don't have to do that, and the rising time was only one hour instead of one and one half. I punched the dough down and made two small pizzas. The crust was very different from what I usually get. I was told that my usual crust resembles crackers. The crust this time was light and fluffy, the edge was just like pizzaria crust, puffed up and crispy. The center was gorgeous, crispy on the bottom and puffy on the top. Rapid-rise yeast is the only way to go. Even the remainder of the dough, which I put in the refrigerator, had doubled overnight and is now straining to get out of the bowl. So it will be pizza again today, seven days without pizza makes one weak! I will try rapid-rise the next time that I make bread. It is not often that a Swede learns something new and even rarer for him to actually use it but this is something to keep using.
My financial advisor, Mr. Ponzi, has advised me on how to become rich. First you get a farm. Then you purchase fifty female pigs. Then you purchase fifty male deer. Lo and behold, you immediately have one hundred sows and bucks!

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