Monday, December 21, 2009

A tad too much

The snow goddess must have read my last post and said "Oh yeah?". The snow kept falling and now there is just a bit too much on the porch and steps. It will be pleasant removing it when the Sun comes up. I have always enjoyed shovelling snow. It is a task that has a beginning and an end in sight. It is nice to have a task that has a definite end in sight instead of an ongoing project that labors on day after day and requires weekly updates to people that have no idea of what you are doing (read committee here). The only answer that I ever found for said committe was "Unseen forces do not want this project completed.". It was pleasant to see the glimmer of fear and then confusion pass over their faces and then hear their question "You didn't ever work for the Post Office did you?".
The cacciatore came out fairly pleasant but I may have put just a tad too much pepperoncini into it. It has just a bite of spice in it, maybe a chomp instead of a bite. I cooked up twelve chicken thighs with it, they were defrosted and needed to be cooked, so I guess that chicken is going to be on the menu for quite a few days.
Why Snow Goddess? That comes from a song I heard fifty years ago.
Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a silk white gown
Tap, tap, tapping
On your window pane
To tell you she's in town
"If you want to take a sleigh ride
Come on the rides on me"
Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a silk white gown
A memory from fifty years ago suddenly pops into your head. Where has it been hiding and what else is in that hiding place? I can't remember where I put the potholder I used three minutes ago but I can remember a ditty I first heard when I was about eight years old. Are the memories of youth more lasting than the memories of later years? I hope so because the memories of youth are usually purer and simpler than the memories of adulthood and the terrible years of adolesence with their insecurities and aimlessness.
Another one just popped up. It was an ad for a carpet cleaning company.

"How many cookies did Andrew eat?
Andrew ate eight thousand.
How do you keep your carpets neat?
Call ANdrew8-8000.".
I have to go now because Suzy opened a door and forgot to close it behind her and the others are streaming out.
Does the human race need a mental pop-up blocker? Not if the pop-ups are from a gentler more innocent time. Snow Angels and toboggoning just popped in. No sign of the tragedies and disappointments of the last few years. OOOPS
"Look both ways when you cross the street
So you'll be around to live and eat
Waleeco, Waleeco, coconut bars are the best I know
And the best is none too good
For those who do what they should, should, should".
It is nice to know that the wheels are still turning.

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