Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well, I tried the sauerbraten. I got the same result that I got when I tried it long ago. Imagine a roast beef sandwich from a convenience store. The kind where the use/by date is three months ago and the meat is a beautiful pink and green shade. It was not pleasing at all and a wasteful use of what could have been a wonderful Yankee Pot Roast. I think that the red wine vinegar is the culprit.
I have a new, for me, recipe book of Jewish cooking from the tenements of New York. I grew up on tzimmis and knishes and blintzes and pastrami and knackwurst and herring and roast brisket. The book has them all except for the brisket. No Gentile will ever be told the recipe for brisket. The recipe was destroyed by Titus and is only handed down orally by Jewish Mothers to their daughters. A Gentile attempting roast brisket is like a Mexican attempting Swedish Meatballs. It will be a disaster.
It is hot here. Not just warm but hot and it is five o'clock in the morning. It has been eighty degrees every day for the last few days. The tomatoes are loving it but the tomato eater is not. Fall will come soon but not soon enough.
Blintzes are in the future, maybe even Jewish Chicken Soup which has no equal anywhere in the world. It would be the nemesis of the flu that is being forecast. An old Jewish proverb stated that "If Chicken Soup and sleep can't help you, you are doomed.". As an added benefit, there will be schmaltz!

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