Saturday, August 15, 2009


I recently posted that August was cool. I was tempting fate when I did that. So far, August has not been cool. During the day it seems to be always in the eighties. The nights have been warm and damp. The early mornings have been very pleasant, a cool breeze is almost always with me when I have coffee on the porch early in the morning. September is coming, September with its foretaste of Fall and frost and cider and cinnamon doughnuts. It can be warm but usually is dry so there is pleasure in the air that wafts through our lungs and keeps our feet from announcing their presence. September, when the Red Sox begin their traditional plunge from first place to 1.0001th place. Landsdowne Street will always be in first place. First place because of the sausage and peppers vendors and the beloved Cask and Flagon.
The tomatoes are beginning to ripen. In the last few days I have had Mortgage Lifters and Brandywines and Cherokee Purples. All sliced with just a touch of salt. The Brandywines are amazing, tomatoes with the flavor that I remember from the roadside stands in New Jersey. I corrected the problem I was having with blossom end rot with bone meal and lemon juice and it is working well.

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