Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August is cool

I am up very early in the day. The reason is simple, I woke up to put a blanket on the bed. I came awake realizing that a very cool breeze was blowing in the window and across the bed. This is not normal for August in New England. I live in an attic apartment and am usually blessed with a built-in sauna in August.
Each day this Summer there has been a nice breeze, not only at night but during the day also. It is pleasant to walk and pleasant just to sit and read. Who knew that being old and retired was going to be so easy?
The lyrics of a song I heard a while ago are wafting through the dusty corridors of my mind.

"It's allright
It's O.K.
It doesn't really matter if you're old and gray
It's allright
It's O.K.
You're coming to the end of the day."

It is surprising that such thoughts do not bring fear or gloom. Here I sit at two-thirty in the morning. It is not the end of the day, it is the beginning of a new day. It is time for change in the way I live my life, changes I have tried to make so many times in the past. Out with the extremes that have bothered me so much in the past. No 10's and therefore no 1's, just an ongoing procession of 5's. "Ease on down the road". There will be ruts in the road but hopefully no chasms.

1 comment:

shaun said...

I love a nice breeze..
My word verification sounds like a vampire musical: roccula