Sunday, September 18, 2011

Long Walk

Yesterday was so beautiful that I went for a long walk. The destinations were the same as always, CVS and the grocery store. I purchased multivitamins and things with which to make Swedish Meatballs.
I am reading the follow up books to "A Year in Provence". They are not as enjoyable as "Under the Tuscan Sun" was. There is too much sarcasm and negative portrayals of the local inhabitants. "Under the Tuscan Sun" was a joy to read and reveled in the pleasures of the land and the house. The Provence books seem to concentrate on the failings and idiosyncracies of the local inhabitants. The former book was a mystical tale of joy and admiration, the latter is the wisecracking of another Rusticophobe. We get enough of that here, we don't need to go internationally to find more.

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