Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Low that was really a high

The sheet rock at Home Depot was still not square, so we went to Lowe's. It was perfect there and was the same price, something we were not expecting.
On the way back from Lowe's we stopped at a small Italian grocery store in Milford. They have just about every Italian product you can imagine. My Brother got several pounds of the sausage they make on the premises. I was disappointed as they had no dried porcini and the fontina they had was made in Wisconsin.
After the sheet rock was unloaded, we started cooking. We sat in the back yard eating sausage, pepper, and onion sandwichs.
It was a banner day. Good food, good company, a sunny day, and two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard.


Tera Rose said...

hello there. i am about to plant the chinese lanterns....when i realized---- how close or far from the potatoes should they be?

we have a lot of woods around here...and a few acres- so i'm not sure.

I'm jealous of your seedlings. i planted mine at the work greenhouse; other staff forgot their watering promises...and the heater never worked.

I really need to figure out HOW to plant from seeds. it's driving me nuts.

I do well with things that go strait into the ground; ie, sunflower seeds. I seem to kill the plants that need inside care.

oh well.

Going to a presentation at our library tonight on eating plants in from the wild. It sounds interesting....

your pork and asparagus sounds delicious.

I could asparagus the other night but with chicken and couscous.

I found this recipe for lasagna with chicken, white sauce and asparagus that i am dying to try.

I am the only asparagus lover in this home and can't figure out why.

we tried to grow that once too - it died.

I was always suspicious of my husband...him not liking the asparagus at all.

This year i put our garlic around the rose buses in hope of more success.

I am getting antsy for summer, wish it was here but knowing it will be here soon enough...

would love to sit in the garden chopping tomatoes, garlic and basil....

Tera Rose said...

a back seat full of zuccini is a good thing...

I am always saddened, close to depression, when the zuccini plant finally becomes tree like in his stalks...toughness; because I know its reproduction time is close to over.

I have a zillion ways to eat it and we don't tire of it like others. When all else fails; I shred it, freeze it...and use it later for zuccini bread with chocolate chips.

thanks for the advice.

I am going to go buy styrofoam cups.

I used old egg cartons in the attempt to recycle. hmmm.

My biggest problem around here is curious fingers that stumble and drop the plants as they poke through the soil.

But styrofoam cups in my bedroom window might confound the curious ones.

if only for one year any way.

I am planting rainbow carrots in a fish tank for them to view the growing.

I flinched when my 8 year old picked out the rainbow carrot seeds as they were pricey- but then I thought, in a fish tank ....they might eat more veggies....go with it.

we'll see.

My snap peas aren't doing so well. I don't know why. Maybe it's still early and I am impatient.

I went to Walmart today to purchase rabbit food....and
found myself loading my car with butterfly bushes, hydraegnas and blueberry plants. They were cheap and I couldn't resist. I hope they do as well as their expensive cousins in my garden from last year.

My five year old surprised us. She may grow to be a mason, or just have beautiful gardens.

My husband bought a small bench for the little ones in the butterfly garden. My five year old gathered flat stones (not hard to do here) that are beautiful and made a path to the bench. She then went to her sand box and carried buckets of sand to put around the stones.

I don't know where she saw this done, but the result is beauty.

thanks again.

If you're ever this way, we could fill your car with zuccini; potatoes, pineapple sage...and a few other good things.