Saturday, March 15, 2008


I just spent half of an hour watching snow fall. It seems so typically New England and so reassuring. It snowed heavily at first and is now snowing lightly. When the snow is heavy, it is quiet yet forceful. Gradually it lightens up and gets familiar, like a Vermonter. I turned the heat up and made plans for the day. I have no reason to go outside so I will make pizza and molasses cookies. There are no cooking shows on PBS today, they are fund raising, so once again I resolve to not watch television. I have started a project that I find fascinating. I love Winter, the time of rest and contemplation. A time of renewal and optimism. The days of Sping and Summer will come with their bustling and perseverance but then comes Fall, with it's hint of cold and it's glory of color. October through February bless us with their groaning boards, roasts, pies, and breads. March through September reward our activity with salads, salsa, and disappointment. They do however have grilling. That is not enough to compensate for tennis, bicycling, and jogging. Winter in New England, I will sit by the side of the road and be a friend to Man.

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