Monday, August 22, 2011

Brandywine Heaven

The Tea Pot Crisis has been resolved. All that was necessary was to double the amount of woodpecker food that I put out each day. Evidently the creature was not using the tomato scavening to nourish itself. It was simply trying to send a message that it was still hungry. I like to think that it was sending a message "More food or the tomatoes are history.".
The Brandywines are ripening. I ate the first one yesterday. After ten months of supermarket (blah) tomatoes, it was heaven on the palate. I had forgotten what sunshine tastes like. Immediately the thought of the tomatoes my Father used to raise in the backyard. The Nona Rosas are ripening in a torrent. They are very small grape type tomatoes and are wonderful fresh and quite a treat sauteed.
I have a full row of basil to use for cooking (MMMM!) and flat leaf parsley. The garlic is almost ready to harvest and the hot peppers are six inches long. Tomatoes, garlic, basil, and parsley, how do you define paradise?
There is a hummingbird that comes each morning to the nasturtiums and a male cardinal, sparrows, and a chipmunk that clean up after the squirrels. Squirrels, it started out as two that visited regularly and it is now six. They do not share well at all. The biggest ones chatter and bully the smaller ones and do not leave the troughs until they are sated. They eat all of the fruits and nuts and leave only scraps of corn for the weakest. They are all wearing tiny campaign buttons with an elephant on them. Someday the eagle that soars overhead may rectify this situation.
Life is good. It is not throbbing with ecstasy but it is good. Becker's rubber band is stretching but has not snapped back.

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