Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Tempest

I have been watching the growing controversy going on in the Teapot Party. The nominee in Delaware appears to have associated herself with a group espousing witchcraft as a teen ager. The silly things that we all did as teen agers should not be held up to public scrutiny or held against us. It is a time for experimentation and making decisions that will influence the rest of our lives. Some things will be rejected and some things will be retained. How do we know something is not right for us if we have never tried it? Remember the adage about the first man to try eating an oyster.
The lady seems to ascribe to a rather strict conservative life style now. She is against masturbation and homosexuality and pre-marital sex and casual sex. She desires to have a job in Congress where the phrase "turning over a new page" takes on a whole new meaning. Let us know how that works out for you.

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