Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday I received word that there is a new Doctor in the house. It is a milestone for this family. Someone has finally risen above the primordial soup that this family has wallowed in for generations. She accomplished this all on her own with no help from anyone. She persevered through trials and betrayals and slowly worked her way to her goal. She is a marvel of intelligence and common sense and tenderness and thought.
I wish you all the best sweetheart. That wish may be superfluous as you have already become the best that I have ever met. I am not just talking of academics. I am speaking of being a human being. Now it is on to Stockholm. I look forward to the fishy things.
I am so proud of all three of my daughters. They have become wonderful human beings. It seems true that everything good comes in threes. It is a good thing that we did not produce a fourth. I am sure it would have been a boy and proceeded on to become the world's most famous deli-lout.

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