Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Roots of Sadness

Sadness is an old and unwelcome friend. I think that Scandinavians may be plagued by it more than other people. It flits in and out of our lives with no invitation.
This morning started out with no sadness but no elation either. I was sitting by the window watching the flights of geese pass low over the house, flapping their wings furiously and chatting to each other. Each morning there are more and more of them, sometimes several V's of them one after the other. I am in the front room rather than the porch because my friend the humming bird has evidently left on his annual vacation.
Then it hit. One lone goose passed overhead, honking mournfully, and headed south. I wondered why he was alone when so many of his fellows were around. I have read that when a Canadian Goose loses its mate, it will stay in the area and probably never mate again. The sadness of his situation slowly crept over me.
I wondered why I was so sad for the goose. Something else had prepared the way for the sadness. My youngest daughter celebrated her wedding day this past weekend. I was unable to attend due to financial and physical limitations on travel. I realized that this was what had prepared the way for the sadness. I miss seeing her, I miss seeing all of my cherished daughters.
Lately I have been reading Hesiod. I was supposed to read his work in High School but I didn't. I wish I had. If there was ever a formula for happiness, he gave it. It is simplicity and makes sense to me today. It probably wouldn't have when I was younger. Hesiod must have had an advance copy of Proverbs. I have done most of the things he recommends, especially the part about the cask and the lees. It would be hard to put aside enough food for a year but I have enough for at least two months. Hesiod's comments on government are especially relevant to America today.
Whenever you undertake a journey seeking an answer, you will meet a Greek who is coming back. The sadness has dissipated, books have always been my refuge. I will find something to do today. There is not much left to do as yesterday I made a spaghetti sauce with sausages, the day before I cleaned the kitchen floor, and the day before that I cleaned the oven. I had to clean the oven, there was only room to bake one cupcake in it and I want to bake bread. I need to find a crock to make sourdough starter.

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