Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And the snow came

The snow came in yesterday's early hours. I went for a walk yesterday morning, ankle deep in snow. I didn't walk too far because the sidewalks weren't plowed and I was walking on the side of the road. Too many cars were sluicing around for that to be wise. No one seems to realize that when your tires no longer have contact with the road, you should slow down. As my Father used to say "Death is Nature's way of telling you to slow down.". I did notice that most of the sluicers had a cell phone in one hand and the steering wheel in the other.
I talked on a cell phone for the first time Sunday. My Brother came over and took me to the grocery store. It was a good thing as I would never have been able get there yesterday or today. While he was here my Sister-in-Law called on his cell phone and I spoke to her on it. I believe that they are a good thing for women to have, especially when they are driving alone, but I don't see the need of one for me. They are an annoying little gadget designed for interruption not communication. The telephone is for my convenience, not someone else's. My Father used to disconnect the bell from the telephone.
So now I have enough food to last a month, I have the tranquillity that snow brings, and yesterday I made tomato and onions and garlic and mushroom sauce with sausages. I had it with bucatini and have enough sauce and sausages for three more meals. After consuming a meal big enough for two, I curled up with a book and dozed off while it was still light out which explains why I am up so early.
I never knew that being retired was going to be so easy. No stress, no goals to be achieved, just "Ease on down the road.". The outside world, with its litany of problems and questions and scandals and admonitions is no longer part of my life. It is a life of comfort and tomato sauce and roast chicken and reading and walking. It is a life of simplicity and slowness. It is suited to me as I am simple and slow.

1 comment:

Ericka said...

I'm glad you have enough food & can just enjoy the snow. We didn't get any, although the temp has dropped back down below 10. Today I really wished I hadn't already called in because it was too cold out, back in January. It would have been nice to do the same today :)