Sunday, February 15, 2009


Getting up at five o'clock in the morning can cause a person to worry about their sanity. Thoughts creep through your mind that do not occur in the sunlight.
787 billion dollars to bail out banks and brokerage houses and humongous businesses. Where will that money come from? It won't come from rich people and international conglomerates for they long ago learned to find ways to avoid taxes. The only big business that I know of that succeeded without a large government handout was Edwin Land's Polaroid. So where will the money come from? Hang on to your hat average American for there is a cold wind coming.
787 billion dollars. That is $2600.00 for every resident of America. How about giving every resident $2600.00? So a family of four gets over ten thousand dollars. They pay back ten dollars a week for six years and the government makes a tidy profit. Very few average Americans will squirrel away the money in a dark, dusty bank vault or an off-shore tax shelter. Imagine an immigrant family, yes they are here and unlikely to leave so they are Americans, with seven children. They are unlikely to buy a Mercedes or a condominium in Tahiti or a lot of caviar and champagne. They might buy a small Chevy, food for their families, medical care, a decent place to live, or education for their children. All things that are produced locally. The bleeding of America's assets to other lands might decrease. Would this be fair? Not many residents of beach houses in the Hamptons have seven children so the money would go to the residents that are going to have to pay it back. What about the residents who try to avoid paying the money back by dying?
Global warming is on everyone's mind now. Even a bird, with its tiny little bird brain, does not foul its own nest. We live in a wonderful space ship, hurtling through space. It is the only ship we have and some people are smoking cigars. How about a big fat tax on anything or anybody that produces green house gases? $10.00 a barrel on imported oil. The money would start rolling in, other countries would see that America had discovered a golden goose and jump on the band wagon. Negotiation and diplomacy haven't got a chance in hell of ending this global problem. Greed on the other hand is a universal human motivator.
It could be Eden all over. Butter for everyone! The problem would be that once the money started rolling into the treasury, some genius in the legislature would ponder "Hmmm, we really are under-gunned." and the whole insane process would start all over.
The average sane American doesn't want world domination. We would be happy if at the end of a day of hard work, we could sit in the yard, grill some hamburgers, have a cold beer, and watch our healthy happy well clothed children laugh and play. It would also be nice to have the company of our wife instead of having her work till 11:oo P.M. in a convenience store. Simple things for simple people and that is the point of this 787 billion dollars. Simple things for simple people and big grandiose things for big grandiose people. Simple people, hang on to your hats. Never mind your wallets because they are going to become useless accessories.
So much for being the early bird. We are going to get the worm alright but be careful, the worm is sneaking up behind you. Out of the frying pan and into the fire is also CHANGE.

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